The AUS-mTBI national consortium will build online platforms, including an App, to facilitate the collection of mild TBI data from people across Australia.
Brain Injury Australia's 9th national brain injury conference will be held at Adelaide Oval from the 24th to 26th September 2024.
The University of Adelaide are seeking adult volunteers who have experienced a TBI to participate in a study in the Adelaide CBD.
Monash University is exploring the current concussion clinic / mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) practices in Australia, and the role of allied health.
Abstract submissions and/or registrations are now open for the 2023 Australasian Neurotrauma Symposium, which will be held in Brisbane later this year.
Monash University is seeking people 18 years and over who have recently suffered a head strike and suspected concussion during a sports event.
The University of Adelaide is aiming to gather information on the current longitudinal management of neurological impairments in TBI patients.
Connectivity welcomes the findings from the Senate Inquiry into Concussions and Repeated Head Trauma in Contact Sports.
Researchers from the University of Newcastle are interested in finding out about the educational support resources accessible to students returning to education post-brain injury.