Twelfth Annual Australasian Neurotrauma Network Symposium
Earlier this month Connectivity sponsored the 12th Annual Australasian Neurotrauma Network Symposium (ANTS2023) in Brisbane.
The Conference was an official satellite event of the Australasian Neuroscience Society 41st Annual Scientific Meeting that was also held in Brisbane, with the day and a half event held at the historic University of Queensland Mayne Medical School building.
The unique event brought together neurotrauma researchers from Australia and New Zealand, and this year included 21 speakers, alongside two keynotes’ speakers.
Invited keynote speakers included:
Faith Brennan (Queen’s University, Canada) who spoke about the role of microglia cellular interactions during spinal cord repair, and
Tracey Farr (University of Nottingham, UK) who spoke about Neuroimaging biomarkers and novel targets for vascular dementia.
Talks and posters covered a diverse range of topics, including neuroinflammation and neuroprotection, neurostimulation, secondary sequelae of neurotrauma and neurodegeneration, as well as biomarkers for acquired brain injury.
It was fantastic to see the insightful research being conducted by established, emerging and future neurotrauma researchers in Australia and New Zealand. Congratulations to all that presented a talk or poster!