Improved Sleep Health (ISH)

Improved Sleep Health (ISH)

What is the aim of the study? The study aims to comprehensively characterise sleep health in people living with a neurological condition or individuals who are working with people living with a neurological condition.

Who can participate? To be eligible for participation, applicants must be aged 18-85, living in Western Australia, living with a neurological condition, a carer, or working with people living with a neurological condition.

What does participation involve? The study involves some short questionnaires that are completed online, from these responses, participants will be provided with a sleep report. Once they have received the sleep report, participants will be given the opportunity to undergo voluntary sleep and circadian assessments in addition to the questionnaires. This involves a 7-night sleep assessment with a Somfit device.

What will happen to your information? Test results will be de-identified and stored on password-encrypted computers for seven years. Access to data in digital format is restricted to study personnel. After seven years, data will be permanently deleted. All test results will be communicated via research publications and seminars in general terms. All participant data will be de-identified prior to presentation and will be presented as a cohort to ensure confidentiality.

Who do I contact for further information?
Dr. Mitchell Turner, Principal Investigator,
Leah Dempsey, Study Coordinator,
SPIN Research Team, Centre for Precision Health, Edith Cowan University

For more information click the below link:

Participant Information Sheet 


Posted in Connecting to current research projects