Understanding concussion

Understanding Concussion

Connectivity CEO Melinda Fitzgerald was joined by Connectivity Members Dr Gill Cowen and Alec Ring to present to the parents of Aquinas College on the hot topic of concussion.

Outlining the current research, diagnosis, treatment and consequences of concussion; the team was also joined by past student Tom Bergin, who shared his concussion story and experience of living with a traumatic brain injury.

Understanding the potential ramifications of concussion (especially on young developing brains), it was fabulous to hear the processes already implemented by Aquinas College to support their students who suffer from a traumatic brain injury.

If you’d like to know more about the concussion presentations we can provide, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Connectivity Concussion Presentation Aquinas College

Featured (L-R) Physiotherapist Alec Ring, past student Tom Bergin, Connectivity CEO Melinda Fitzgerald, Aquinas College Deputy Principal Duncan Warlters and Dr Gill Cowen.


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